9 Quotes & Sayings By Tim Cahill

Tim Cahill is the author of the New York Times bestselling book, "Striking Out: My Journey from the Big Leagues to the Pitcher's Mound." A former pitcher for six different major league teams (including the New York Yankees, Cincinnati Reds, Detroit Tigers, Los Angeles Dodgers, and St. Louis Cardinals), Cahill has also served as pitching coach to the Cincinnati Reds. He is a popular motivational speaker and appears regularly on numerous media outlets including ESPN, FOX Sports, and CNN.

Elk were mating now - The males were fighting, and they had to chase the females, which depleted the fat that both sexes had accumulated over the summer and thereby diminished their chances of surviving the winter. "It would be better for the elk, " Dave said as we prepared dinner, "if the females just gave it up." All three women stared at him. A silence ensued. Dave said, "Or I could be wrong. Tim Cahill
A lot of us first aspired to far-ranging travel and exotic adventure early in our teens; these ambitions are, in fact, adolescent in nature, which I find an inspiring idea.. Thus, when we allow ourselves to imagine as we once did, we know, with a sudden jarring clarity, that if we don't go right now, we're never going to do it. And we'll be haunted by our unrealized dreams and know that we have sinned against ourselves gravely. Tim Cahill
A journey is best measured in friends rather than miles. Tim Cahill
My first book was called 'Buried Dreams, ' about a serial-killer, which was probably about ten years ahead of the serial-killer curve. It was a national bestseller, but it was three years of living in the sewer of this guy's mind. Tim Cahill
I write early in the morning. I just wake up whenever I feel awake and I have to be sitting and writing pretty soon after that. If I take too long to think about the impossibility of what I'm trying to, I'll be defeated by it. Tim Cahill
I have no problem with the adventure travel movement. It makes better, more sensitive people. If you get people diving on a coral reef, they're going to become more respectful of the outdoors and more concerned with the threats that places like that face and they're going to care more about protecting them than they would have before. Tim Cahill
I am living out my adolescent dream of travel and adventure. Tim Cahill
You become a better writer by writing. You become a better travel writer by writing about travel. Tim Cahill